
About us
Mexican company dedicated to the marketing and distribution of specialized, general, biological medicines, and medical supplies, as well as medical systems and equipment for productivity solutions in the hospital sector, meeting the highest quality standards.
We are a professional team ready to meet our clients’ needs, offering timely and quality service. Furthermore, we are continually searching for ways to improve our processes, believing that we can always improve ourselves; and as a result, offer more to our clients. This is how we differentiate ourselves and our relevance to our clients and partners.
Our Mission
We are a company committed to health and quality of life improvement, which efficiently and in a timely manner supplies highly specialized medical products and services to medical institutions, health professionals and business partners.
Our Vision
To consolidate as a leading company at a national level, known by our excellent service, merchandising and distribution of high specialty medical devices, biotherapies and medicines, equipment and related services, being recognized as a trustworthy and socially responsible company, with world class infrastructure and processes, and a highly qualified and committed team of professionals.
Our Values
For our company, our values represent a guide in our actions that always motivates us to strengthen the links between the company and its stakeholders.
In this way, we seek to contribute to sustainable human development through the generation of social, economic and environmental value, committed in a responsible manner with our environment and stakeholders through our values.


Sustainable human development with social, economic and environmental value.

Impeccable and legal behavior.

Responsibility with all our interest groups.

Optimal use of resources with continuous improvement of processes.

Trustworthy, communication and experience.

Company with a hallmark of humanity, based on respect for our people and society.
Where we are going
- Quality of life for our team, operational excellence, technological advancements for shared benefits, job creation, and continuous transformation of processes.
- Improvement of the quality of care in the health system through comprehensive solutions backed by health economics and cost – benefits.
- Expansion and intelligent coverage – horizontal and vertical depth of our platforms.
- Continued professionalism.
- Alliances with strategic partners to increase productivity and services.
- Professionalization, updating and continuous training to all our work team, based on the values promoted by the company.
Competitive advantages
- National coverage with a highly qualified team.
- Supply Chain and 24/7 availability.
- World class temperature controlled facilities.
- Certified delivery transportation with controlled temperatures.
- User area training and development program.
- Equal attention to technical and commercial purchasing influences.
- Vitasanitas sales teams focus on teamwork with sales forces of Business Partners.
- Innovative financial models that bring technology to our customers – Health Economics.
- Constant evaluation to suppliers regarding their service based on ethical and legal criteria.
- Hundreds of public and private clients satisfied with our services.
Corporate social responsibility.
Our vision of Corporate Social Responsibility is an ethical commitment that integrates business management and compliance with the law, through respect for people, the community, the environment and by ethical principles.
Social Commitment
Our commitment and success as a leader in the importing and distribution of high quality medicines and productivity solutions in Healthcare Institutions, mainly lies in the fundamental values embedded in our Code of Ethics and Conduct.
For our company, maintaining our social commitment is of vital importance, since it allows us to ensure and maintain mutual respect among all our staff members, clients, business partners, the environment and society.
I invite all our partners to each act as a responsible citizens, adopting our Code of Ethics and Conduct, maintaining the highest degree of integrity and honesty that has characterized us in our work environment, to continue to maintain the prestige of being reliable, innovative, ethical, transparent, respectful of human values and socially responsible. I appreciate your support.
Alejandro Pérez Luna

Corporate social responsibility influences in our actual country, to the country we want to become.
Year after year, Vitasanitas S.A de C.V. is recognized with the ESR Distinction, awarded by CEMEFI and AliaRSE on the Latin American Conferences of Socially Responsible Companies.
The company involvement in these initiatives, reinforces its continuing effort to adopt and promote Corporate Social Responsibility in all its activities among its stakeholders.
In order to achieve this goal, our company has a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee with the purpose of generating, coordinating, promoting, reporting and evaluating hundreds of practices and campaigns in various strategic areas.
We also have an Ethics Committee, whose function is to attend to the concerns of our staff members, always in accordance to our philosophy, values, and respect for human rights as expressed in the company’s “Code of Ethics and Conduct“, as well as in all its Policies and Regulations.
Environmental responsibility.
Our activities are developed in an environmentally friendly manner, reducing and avoiding negative impacts from our internal processes.

Use of new environment-friendly technologies.
This process is done in all our offices and warehouses, generating a greater efficiency in lighting while decreasing electricity consumption and requiring less maintenance due to the long lifetime of this technology.

Water Usage.

Purchases of supplies and services.

Cold storage rooms.


Personal and property security.

Campaigns for the environment.

Care and conservation of green areas.